
Selfmade clay models

In my free time I like to make clay models and paint them as well.
The procedure is virtually the same: the base is made of styrofoam, wrapped in tin-foil. Armatures etc. are made with iron-wire, and sometimes cocktailsticks, also wrapped in tin-foil.
I only use Fimo-clay, and only one colour: pink or white. Usually no other material is used, sometimes only little beads as decoration. I don't use real cloth, hair or glass eyes because with other materials applied, the piece will look more like a doll and that is not my purpose.

The paint I use is waterbased acrylic. Earlier models are painted with terpentine based paint, but this kind of paint was too thick and syropy so I switched to acrylic.

Finally I only make one of each, so they are totally unique (and most of time I make them for friends and family)! If you want to know more about how I made these models, take a look at Astralos' Modeling Course, a very thoroughly course about making models.

Dungeon door, height 4"
Phaedra, the Ranger, height 3.5"
Fish dodecaëder/M.C. Escher, size base 2.4" Lexus di Toya, the dwarven priest, height 2.8"
Hawkman, height 3.5"   Alchemist, height 4"
Spaceman Spiff, height 3.5"
Myst-book, height 4"
Trophee, height 3.5" Book-
Couple, height 3.5"   Dragon-

Miniature Painting

I used to paint fantasy miniatures, which we used in AD&D.

Firstly I paint the miniature white with black lines where the shadows are supposed to be. Then I paint them in color, using dark ones near the black and gradually using lighter paint. I finish it off with a highlight here and there and I varnish it. Mostly I use 0 or 00 brushes.

Here or some of the miniatures I have painted so far.

Fantasy miniatures
Roborally Bot Slot-bot
(Self made by
esp. for RoboRally)
(Self made by
esp. for RoboRally)
(Self made by
esp. for RoboRally)
Sgt. Bash
(Self made by
esp. for RoboRally)
(Self made by
esp. for RoboRally)
(Self made by
esp. for RoboRally)